Lessons & Classes


Individual Lessons

Piano – Learn beginning to intermediate  piano technique and repertoire during individual lessons. Ages 6 years – Adult.

Violin – Learn beginning to intermediate violin technique and repertoire!  Ages 7 – Adult.

Voice – Develop beginning to intermediate vocal technique and build an age appropriate repertoire.  Ages 12 years – Adult.

Piano/Voice Combination – Learn beginning to intermediate voice technique, age appropriate repertoire and basic piano self-accompaniment.  Ages 12 yrs. – Adult

Semi- Private Lessons

Little Mozarts - Learn music and piano fundamentals with Mozart Mouse and Beethoven Bear in this premier piano, music & movement  two year program with a partner!  Ages 4 – 6 years    Little Mozarts may also be 20 minute Individual Lessons.

 Keyboard Friends – Introductory Level 1 semi-private piano lesson for beginners.  Semi-private lessons motivate, bring joy and challenge students as they learn beginning repertoire & technique together.  Ages 7 – 12 years

Rising Star Singers – Beginning voice class for students to enjoy singing and learning collaboratively.   Students develop pitch & rhythm awareness, beginning harmonization, expressiveness and beginning technique in breath support, tone production, and more.  Ages 7 – 12 years

Lesson Schedules

Scheduling lessons is done on a first-come, first-served basis.  All lessons take place Mon-Thur between 3:00 and 7:45 PM, and Saturdays.  Please Contact Miss Peggy for available times and registration information and policies.

Music Classes

Parent/Child Music & Movement –  Sing, move and play together to create joyful, bonding musical learning experiences.  In small groups, parents and children sing & move to children’s musical literature; play a variety of instruments together and actively listen to children’s stories.  Ages 6 months – 3 years*

*Depending on enrollment, classes may be for single age groups or mixed age groups.

Dance Classes 

Lyrical & Jazz Technique –  Learn dance technique in an easy, fun way with us!  Ages 12 years – Adult

Class Schedules

Tuition and Fees

We offer Tuition Discounts, a Referral Program, and Competitive rates for all classes and lessons.  Please Contact Miss Peggy for more information.

2 thoughts on “Lessons & Classes

  1. Hi, I’m interested in piano lessons for my 8yr daughter. Could you tell me about your pricing please? She started taking lessons over the summer with her older sister who is a music major at St Rose. Unfortunately she’s in her senior year now and doesn’t have much free time to give lessons. Thank you!

    • Hi Megan,
      Thanks so much for your interest in piano lessons for your 8 yr old daughter. We are just beginning the 2015 Fall Session. Students either pay for the session or for the school year. The tuition for 30 minute lessons during the fall session is for 11 lessons and one repertoire class where the students perform for each other informally. This tuition is $300. Please let me know if you’d like the brochure which gives available lessons days/times as well as the studio policies, calendar and registration information. If so, I will email it to you.

      Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
      Miss Peggy

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