Voice Lessons
Students 12 years – Adult
30, 40 or 50-Minute Lessons
Learn beginning to intermediate voice technique and build an age appropriate repertoire.
Books and Materials – It is recommended that Voice Students record each lesson. Â Bring a binder to add sheet music to as the session progresses. Â A vocal textbook(s) may also be used. Â A full-length mirror and cd or mp3 player at home would be helpful.
- keep in mind that learning to sing is a skill that takes patience, good listening skills and practice to find the best way to produce a beautiful singing tone.
- use the lesson recording to warm up, practice exercises and songs. They give focused attention to their singing during practice and take a break if distracted. Â Concentration is a must!
- warm up either sitting or standing depending on the exercise. They sing songs in a standing position with good singing posture as described in the lesson.
- practice at home 5 days a week, at least 20 minutes a day between lessons. Students may break up practice time into segments of at least 5 or 10 minutes at a time. They choose opportunities to practice during the day when they have lots of energy and no interruptions.
Scheduling lessons is done on a first-come, first-served basis.  All lessons take place Mon-Wed between 2:45-6:45 PM and Saturday 10:30-2:30 PM.  Please Contact Miss Peggy for available times and registration information and policies.
Hello I am interested in getting vocal lessons for my daughter who is 14. She has a amazing voice but I wanted her to have the experience of professional teacher helping her and giving pointers when needed.